In early December 2024, Photon Water initiated a pilot project to address environmental contamination in the village of Jesenný, located in the Semily region in the Czech Republic. The primary goal of the project is to mitigate groundwater pollution caused by chlorinated hydrocarbons.
To achieve this, Photon Water employed its cutting-edge nano-remediation technology, which combines the application of nano-iron with the introduction of a direct current (DC) electric field into the groundwater aquifer. This innovative approach enhances the efficiency of pollutant removal. The pilot test focused on reductive dechlorination as part of a broader feasibility study of remedial measures at the Jesenný - Bohuňovsko site.
The affected area spans more than 75,000 square meters near the local railway station. Historical contamination of the site, caused by leaks of perchloroethylene and trichloroethylene, has polluted both the environment including groundwater.
The Jesenný project is one of many remediaton initiatives addressing historical environmental pollution undertaken by Photon Water. The company is actively involved in similar projects, not only across the Czech Republic but also in various other countries.
The project is funded by the European Union through the Operational Programme Environment 2021–2027.